Thursday, July 21, 2011

Xbox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move review

The gaming giants go head-to-head

It seems like a lifetime since we first caught wind of Microsoft's idea for motion-control gaming, and even longer since we were writing about Sony's Wii-challenging light wand. Both are now in homes and both will be vying for your cash this Christmas. We've spent a week living with the Kinect and Move, so which one gets our vote?

  Xbox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move: Set up

Xbox Kinect
Unlike playing Wii, which for the majority means picking up a controller, turning on the console and getting your swing on, just setting up the Kinect is an occasion. Because it picks up full body movement, everything within at least a six-foot squared distance from the sensor must be cleared. Trunks, chairs, small dogs, all must be out of sight. Kinect would rather you were positioned around eight-feet from the sensor, which won't be possible in many hobbit-style UK homes. If it's a bright day, you'll need to shut the curtains, too. The sensor doesn't react well to direct sunlight. Well, it's unplayable.

Balancing the chunky sensor on top of a slimline TV, such as our LG LX9900, is also unfeasible – you'll need a separate mount or floor stand (from £25), which frustratingly isn't included in the box. Instead, the x-axis-rotating sensor needs to be positioned with enough room to move in front of the TV. The sensor also needs its own power source, as well as occupying an Xbox USB port.

Using its built-in microphone, Kinect will automatically scan the room for background ambient noise to optimise audio levels. You'll also have to endure a speech test to setup voice commands and perform fruity moves in front of the sensor for it to calibrate you and your playing space correctly. It all takes less than five minutes, though
After digesting the setup, we were in no doubt who MS is aiming Kinect at. The process is cutesy, the background music might has well have been composed by Nintendo and the avatars are like grown-up Miis. Fun for all the family it may be, but 'serious' gamers may not concur.

PlayStation Move

Plug in the USB PlayStation Eye, switch on the console, ensure the Move controller(s) are charged and away you go. Unlike Kinect, which has been designed to integrate into the DNA of the Xbox Dashboard, the Move is an accessory for games, nothing more.  The lightweight Eye sensor has a tendency to be pulled out of position by its USB cable but its small design means it will fit over the top of your TV and stay in place, without the need for a bracket. We doubt Sony's engineers intended this, but who cares. It works. The Eye also suffers the direct sunlight problem, so rainy day or closed curtain play only. However, because the Eye only detects the Move controllers, you don't need to be so militant with your furniture clearance.

XBox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move: The games

Xbox Kinect
With the exception of one launch title (Fighters Uncaged) that requires you to roundhouse, punch, headbutt, elbow and knee the gizzards out of your opponent, all of the Kinect's launch games are good, clean family fun.  Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports and Kinectimals are all arcade-y, multi-participant group games that are so twee you feel like you have to brush your teeth after playing. Even the boxing is described as 'friendly'. Dance Central and Kinect Joy Ride are slightly more 'edgy' but you still feel come away thinking that it's the taking part that counts and that we're all wholesome winners in the eyes of Xbox. One advantage Kinect has over the Move is that many games are voice-controlled, which adds a level of interactive depth we've not seen on a games console. Kinect also trumps the Move on amount of launch titles, which will undoubtedly appeal this Christmas.

Best game of Xbox kinect 

 Star Wars Kinect

A Star Wars game with a motion-controlled lightsaber? Indeed!star wars kinect-1269907
The dream of millions of Star Wars fans may soon come true if this game lives up to its potential. With all the power in your hands (literally), you'll be able to fight epic battles against other Jedis and use all your Force-powered abilities to win.
The graphics seem top-notch too, so Star Wars is looking like Kinect's main "hardcore game" and worthy of the first spot in this "top 5 best Xbox Kinect games" article.

PlayStation Move

Of the handful of Move games we have played, our experience leads us to think that Sony is going for a more mature market. Sprites and graphics are less vernal and the feel of the games require more skill than those on Kinect. The fact that stellar titles such as Heavy Rain, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, KillZone 3 and Resident Evil 5 are being updated to support Move indicates the audience Sony is after. Yes, there are still the post-pub titles - Start the Party, Singstar and Sports Champions - that will go down a treat with a group of players, but the range looks better for PS3ers.

best game of PS 3 move

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

The-Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time-3DFor many people (including me) Zelda Ocarina of Time was, is, and always will be the best game of all time. Sure, the graphics from the original Nintendo 64 game haven't aged well, but the feeling of playing Zelda OoT for the first time war almost mystical. After finishing this masterpiece the only thing you wanted to do was play it again to discover all the secrets: magic spells, extra swords (the Biggoron Sword!), strange items, ghostly entities (Poes)...
Well, now you'll be able to play this game with the new Nintendo handheld, featuring glorious 3D graphics and many improvements compared to the original, including a touch-enabled menu, little tweaks to some temples (especially the infamous Water Temple) and maybe an extra-dungeon. Be prepared for the return of this masterful classic!

Xbox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move: The motion control
Xbox Kinect

Using your whole body to interact with games, results are genuinely impressive. It's quite bizarre watching an animated replica of yourself prancing around the television screen knocking down balls, jumping for headers and dancing like a buffoon. Accuracy is almost most of the time but you really need to be at least six foot away from the Kinect sensor. More, if you have the space, and certainly nothing like the Kinect game packet shots would have you believe.
We also encountered fleeting lag problems. Only a quarter of second out here and there, but if it's an accuracy or timing based game – largely all of them – then it can become frustrating.

t does a very good job of picking up multiple players too, but again, you need a decent amount of floor space to spread players apart so that Kinect doesn't mistake one for another. It's freakishly arresting how Kinect recognises different faces to log into character identity and Live services, though
.There's no doubting the landmark here. Along with PrimeSense, Microsoft has brought both full-body motion control and face and voice recognition into the living room. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but very impressive nonetheless and will leave many wide-eyed and open mouthed.
PlayStation Move

While the PS3 Eye only picks up the Move controllers, the results are more accurate than Kinect. What's more, you can play some games sitting down, without having to move furniture out of the way first. Yes, it's very similar to playing Wii, but it's a definite step forward in terms of how sensitive the controllers are and the depth at which you can interact with characters and objects.

In Sports Champions' table tennis, the bat can be rotated in all directions, on all axis and with zero lag. Being able to reach over the table, step back from the table or put realistic spin on the ball from any angle all works towards making it a more realistic experience. Add to this the more humanistic graphics and the fact that you're holding something when playing a game, makes the experience more believable than Kinect. It picks up multiple players with aplomb, too

XBox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move: Price

Xbox Kinect
One of the biggest sticking points with Kinect is the price. Yes, the technology is woven into more than just the games, but £130 for the sensor alone is costly when compared to what Sony is asking for its accessory. There's no doubt you are getting more tech for your buck but we fear many will baulk at the price. An Xbox (250Gb) with a Kinect sensor and Kinect Adventures costs £300. On the plus side, you won't need to buy extra controllers as you ARE the controller

PlayStation Move
The PlayStation Move Starter Pack (with PlayStation Eye Camera, Move Controller and Starter Disc) costs £57 (or around £45 online). Each controller is then around £28, So, four controllers and the Eye camera will cost you £133, which is more expensive than Kinect. However, it's a system that can be added to over time and the upgrade path for PS3-ers might seem more value for money. A PS3 console (320GB) costs around £280

Xbox Kinect Vs PlayStation Move: Overall

Kinect is an impressive piece of technology that offers a glimpse of things to come for how we will interact with consumer electronics. It's impressive as a gaming accessory and will undoubtedly be a hit with the Wii generation (all, but non hardcore gamers) this Christmas. While the face, voice and motion recognition isn't perfect, it's completely playable under the right conditions. If you've already got an Xbox, it's quite a pricey accessory. If you haven't, the Xbox Kinect bundle is cheaper than buying a new PS3 and Move kit.

ony's Move is for more serious gamers. The games are more grown up, the skill level is a little higher and it's less arcade-y. The rate at which developers are making big games Move-compatible is also telling.

 So, it boils down to the type of gamer you are. At this stage, we'd plump for the more mature Move but can see the draw of the Kinect for family fun gaming.

Winner: PlayStation Move

AMD vs NViDiA 2

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

  • Warner Bros.
  • Snowblind Studios
  • Action Role-Playing
  • Release: Nov 1, 2011 »
  • ESRB: Rating Pending

    When Warner Bros. announced Lord of the Rings: War in the North in March, it noted the fantasy action game would ship later this year. Now, the publisher has narrowed its release window, letting gamers know the war in the north will commence this fall. 

E3 2011: Lord of the Rings: War in the North E3 Demo

system Req

The official system requirements of the game is unknown, but you can find images or/and videos about it.





Saturday, July 16, 2011

Overview on the Batman: Arkham City

Publisher:Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer:Rocksteady Studios
Genre:Fantasy Action Adventure
Release Date:Oct 18, 2011(more)

News of the game 
Robin character in New series

When Batman: Arkham City breaks out this October, gamers will be able to suit up as the Dark Knight and lay waste to the city's shadowy villains. However, the Caped Crusader isn't going to own the spotlight alone.
Warner Bros. today announced that it has partnered with national electronics retailer Best Buy to offer Batman sidekick Robin as a playable character in Arkham City's Challenge mode as part of the "Tim Drake Robin pack." The pack is available to those who preorder the game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

Catwoman is playable in Rkham city

trailer of catwoman

System Req

The official system requirements of the game is unknown, but you can find images or/and videos about it.



The site

Friday, July 15, 2011



Overview on the The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Developer:CD Projekt Red
Genre:Action Role-Playing
Release Date:May 17, 2011(more) 
The Witcher has come a long way. Originally released in 2007, the game was powered by BioWare's Aurora engine, the same used in the popular role-playing game Neverwinter Nights. For the sequel, CD Projekt Red opted to build the game with an engine of its own design, Red, and the results are spectacular. For a genre that rarely pushes graphics, The Witcher 2 features numerous options that really crank up the visual fidelity: ambient occlusion, dynamic lighting, depth of field effects, and a little something that’s unique to The Witcher 2, Ubersampling. Ubersampling basically takes antialiasing, the effect that removes jagged edges, to a whole new level.
Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings System requirements:

Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+
1 GB RAM for  Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7
512 MB RAM video card, supporting Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon HD3850)
DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card
16 GB free HDD
DVD x8, compatible with DVD9

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Recommended System:

Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 (32/64-bit)
Intel Core 2 Quad or AMD Phenom X4
3 GB RAM for Windows XP / 4 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7
1 GB RAM video card, supporting Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia GeForce GTX260 or ATI Radeon HD4850)
DirectX 9.0c compatible Sound Card
16 GB free HDD
DVD x8, compatible with DVD9


The official trailer

Visit the official web site at:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Release: Q4 2011

Confirming rumours from last year, the mag says SOCOM Confrontation developer Slant Six Games is currently working on the new Resi game, which is a team-based shooter allowing four players to take on roles as USS soldiers out to destroy all evidence of the original Resident Evil 2-era outbreak - zombies and survivors.

Operation Raccoon City, depending on how you play the game, will give you the option to "change the history of Resident Evil," says OXM. Not only will you have the chance to meet and interact with various characters from the series, but you'll even have the opportunity to kill them - including Resi 2 protagonist Leon Kennedy.

Mass Effect 3 Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Mass Effect 3 marks the beginning of the end for this intergalactic action role-playing trilogy. Despite Commander Shepard's best efforts, the Reapers--an ancient race of genocidal machines--have returned and are ready to devour a divided galaxy. While visiting publisher Electronic Arts' booth during this year's E3, we got to see three different areas from the game, as well as go hands-on.

Batman: Arkham City Release: Oct 18, 2011

Developed by Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City is an action adventure that builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Battlefield 3 coming The war not ended

ربما لن تنتهى الحرب بين اللعبتين هذا العام و ايضاً بين عشاق اللعبتين

Battlefield 3 و Modern Warfare 3

و ها هو فصل جديد قد تم تسطيره اليوم بموقف غريب جداً.
حاول اليوم أحد الأشخاص الدخول الى نطاق لكن المفاجأة أن الموقع لا يخص اللعبة على الاطلاق بل أن الموقع يوجهك الى موقع !
و حول الحقائق عن هذا الموضع فيقال أن الموقع قد نم شراءه من شركة BigDady عام 2009 و لا يتوقع أحد بأى شكر من الأشكال أن تكون هذه الفعلة من وراء EA.
توقع البعض أنهم بعض محبين لعبة Battlefield 3 و أراد أن يصنع بعض النكات حول الأمر أو أنه كاره ما لشركة ACTIVISION التى أغلقت سيرفرات لعبة Moder Warfare 2 بحجج واهية من أجل ارغام الناس على شراء لعبتهم الجديدة Modern Warfare 3.
اذاً ننتظر الحقيقة قريباً !